Facebook ad advice

There is an absolute TON of information available on the internet if you want to learn about Facebook ads.  In fact, there’s so much that it’s positively overwhelming!  And that’s exactly the reason why I have launched Learn With Me Facebook Ads to give business owners the opportunity to learn how to get started with …

Everything you need to know about Learn With Me Facebook Ads Read More »

I’m a huge advocate of using Facebook ads as part of your sales funnel, and actually creating ad campaigns for every step of the funnel. By that I mean build “top of funnel” Facebook ads – campaigns that focus on traffic, video views and even engagement. And also create “middle of funnel” ads that drive …

Facebook Ads For Lead Generation Read More »

Are Facebook ads dead? It’s a question I’m hearing more and more. Rather that though than the statement “Facebook ads are dead”. Anyone making that statement really needs to let me have a look at their ad account so that I can see what exactly is going on and why they think ads are dead.  …

Are Facebook ads dead? Read More »

Are you looking to hire a Facebook Ad professional to help you launch into the world of Facebook ads? If so, you’re in the right place.  Hiring the right Facebook Ad Strategist for you is important and can have a huge impact on your return on investment and the volume of leads you generate.  So …

Things to consider before hiring a Facebook Ad Professional Read More »

You may have noticed that I only offer a free 15 minute “meet and greet” call to potential clients and I don’t send out a follow up proposal. Instead, I recently launched the Ad Action Plan to provide business owners with a comprehensive strategy on how to progress with Facebook ads.  However, I understand that …

Everything you need to know about my Facebook Ad Action Plan Read More »

If you’re thinking about using Facebook ads as part of your advertising strategy, you need to be clear on why you want to use them and what you want the end result to be. Facebook ads can be absolute dynamite when it comes to bringing in new leads and generating sales, however that success comes …

Building Your Facebook Ads Funnel Read More »

What’s changing with the services I offer? I’ve decided that the time has come to retire the Initial Facebook Ad Campaign Build. This is one of the services I’ve sold repeatedly throughout the last year and has been the starting block for so many of my clients but I have made the decision to remove …

Why my services are changing? Read More »

The time has come!  Believe me, I am as guilty as the next person when it comes to burying my head in the sand and hoping that I wouldn’t actually have to do anything to prepare for the forthcoming iOS changes. But sadly we ALL have to get ready otherwise it’s highly likely that your …

Preparing your Facebook Ad Account for the iOS 14 changes Read More »

If you’ve made the decision that you want to run Facebook ads but you don’t want to do them yourself, rest assured you’re not alone! Whilst it’s great to learn a new skill within your business, it can also feel like a minefield, another pressure or just something else that’s taking you away from your …

How to start outsourcing your Facebook ads Read More »

Here we go with part two of the A-Z of Facebook ads, which covers N-Z… New Ads Limit Facebook announced a while ago that they’d be placing an ad limit on each individual Page, restricting the number of ad campaigns they run. This is designed to help advertisers keep costs down and improve performance up …

An A-Z of Facebook Ads (Part 2) Read More »

Facebook ads… So many questions!  I thought it would be fun to try and answer some of them in an A-Z, so here we go with part one (A-M)… Ads Manager Ads Manager is the “home” for running ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience Network. It’s an all-in-one tool for creating ads, managing when …

An A-Z of Facebook Ads Read More »

The headline… How important is it? I mean, let’s be honest, Facebook only gives you 25-40 characters, so how creative can you be? You Need To Make It Work! 💥 See what I did there ☝️ There are three things of key importance in Facebook ads; the headline, the image and the first line of your …

Eight essential ingredients for a great Facebook ad headline Read More »

I’m really proud of the fact that I work with a lot of small businesses, those businesses that feel like they would get turned away from other Facebook ad strategists / implementers, because they don’t have $1,000 a month to spend on Facebook ads every month. I personally don’t think you necessarily need to have …

Why you’re not ready for Facebook ads Read More »

You’ve taken your time, you’ve crafted what you believe to be the perfect copy for your Facebook ad, you’ve sourced or created fantastic images, you’ve built out the campaign and hit publish…the ads head into review…then suddenly you’re hit with a notification telling you that your ad has been rejected! Wait! What?!? This has to …

Why your Facebook ads get rejected Read More »

There are SO many active users on Facebook right now – the numbers are in the billions, so there has never been a better time to be advertising on Facebook. Six million advertisers can’t be wrong… But if it’s something new to you, it’s not always easy to know how to get started. Facebook ads …

How to get to grips with Facebook ads quickly Read More »